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Cataract Surgery Turkey

Cataract Surgery Turkey

What is a cataract?

Cataract is the loss of transparency of the lens in our eye and it is a natural part of aging. If one lives long enough, cataracts will develop and first reduce visual acuity and then lead to vision loss. Surgery is the only way to treat cataracts. Thanks to modern cataract surgery, we can regain the 20/20 vision of a young person and say hello to a life without glasses as a bonus.

How is Cataract Surgery Performed?

Cataract surgery is performed by removing the cloudy natural lens from a 2mm incision using high-technology phacoemulsification machines and implanting a new artificial intraocular lens (IOL) to take over the function of the removed natural lens.

The procedure just requires eye drop anesthesia and lasts for about 15 minutes.

Cataract Surgery in Turkey

Turkey ranked as the 6th most favored tourist destination globally Thanks to its high-tech health infrastructure and well-trained medical staff, Turkey emerged as a popular place for medical tourism, attracting over 1 million people annually for medical treatment and esthetic procedures. It is estimated that by 2023, the number of medical tourists will surpass 2 million.

What do we offer for cataract patients who want to visit Turkey for surgery?

Your surgeries will be performed by Prof. Ahmet Akman, MD, FACS. He is an internationally respected surgeon with an outstanding academic record and surgical experience. Surgeries are performed with the best-quality single-use FDA-approved surgical supplies and the highest-quality intraocular lenses in a modern surgical facility with top-notch hygiene standards and well-trained English-speaking staff. Ahmet Akman, MD, FACS Ophthalmologist

How does our system work?

There are hundreds of options that you can choose abroad for eye care. In most settings, you do not know your surgeon beforehand, you trust an agency to make the arrangements for you. You cannot ask your questions directly to your surgeon about the pros and cons of the different types of intraocular lenses. If your eye is not suitable for the planned surgery the trip becomes a waste of time and money.

In our system, we offer a high-quality, modern, personalized approach. You can talk directly with your surgeon, know him, and ask your questions before leaving your home either through two monthly consultations which he performs in London and Dublin. Or you can contact him online to ask your questions about surgery. In this way, your surgeon understands your expectations, talks about possibilities, and tells you the benefits and risks.

If your eye is suitable and you want the surgery, we offer a flat rate price including the cost of everything regarding your treatment. No additional unexpected fees even complications occur. We cover them.

Video: Prof. Dr. Ahmet AkmanCataract Surgery in TurkeyAll Videos

If you want to travel to Turkey for surgery, our travel agents will take care of everything, and you can even add a holiday of your choice.

Pricing, Cataract Surgery Costs in Turkey

Cataract surgery cost consists of two parts:

  1. Doctors’ fees + hospital and surgical device costs –1000 GBP per eye
  2. Intraocular lenses (IOL) cost – 200-800 GBP per eye depending on your IOL choice

Total 1200-1800 GBP Per Eye

For intraocular lenses, we offer all basic and high-tech smart IOLs including mono-focal, mono-focal plus, trifocal, and extended depth of vision IOLS with toric (astigmatism correcting) versions. These lenses cost between 200 to 800 sterling per eye.

The intraocular lens choice is important for determining whether you will need glasses in the future or will be fully glasses-independent. 

In addition, all the IOLs, surgical devices, and supplies that will be used in the surgery are the USA our European made with FDA and CE approval. All supplies will be single-use and best quality.

At first, if there are certain pathologies in your eyes. Your surgeon has to decide decision’s OL choice medically. If your eye is suitable for all types of IOLs, you will make an informed decision with your surgeon. Please check our intraocular lens (IOL).

Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6
Drops are used to dilate the pupil of your eye.Anaesthetic drops (no needles!) are then used to numb your eye so you won’t feel anything. You may feel pressure and a little discomfort.Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, your surgeon will make a tiny cut on the surface of your eye. Thanks to the anaesthetic you won’t feel this.An ultrasound probe will gently break down and remove the cloudy lens.Your new artificial lens is then carefully positioned into your eye.Once your surgery is complete an antibiotic solution will protect you against infection – and then it's over. We'll take you to recover with some refreshments.Which intraocular lens is best for you?

What is the optimum time to perform cataract surgery?

When to perform cataract surgery depends on the joint decisions of the eye surgeon and the patient. Factors such as the patient's occupation, expectations, sociocultural level, and vision requirements are important.

For example, a cataract should be operated on, as it will be difficult for a pilot to perform his profession safely even when his vision decreases by 10%. On the other hand, the level at which an average individual starts to feel discomfort due to cataract is when the vision drops below 70%. When the vision reaches 60%, the subtitles of the television cannot be read, and the quality of life begins to be affected.

Cataract Surgery Izmir Turkey

The only treatment for the cataract is surgery. One of the most experienced specialists in cataract surgery in Turkey, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akman, MD recommends surgery when the patient's vision level drops below 70%. In addition to the level of vision, delaying cataract surgery in some types of cataracts and some eyes with certain anatomical conditions may increase the risks of surgery and complicate the surgery. In such cases, it may be necessary to perform cataract surgery even when the vision is above 70%.

In addition, modern cataract surgery is done with the phacoemulsification technique which is also known as suture-less cataract surgery, shock waves occur during the dissolution of the cataract in the eye. A soft cataract dissolves as easily as digging soft soil and produces very few shock waves. In delayed cataracts, the cataract hardens like concrete and requires much higher energy to dissolve. This high level of energy creates more shock waves and damages the endothelial cells in the eye that do not regenerate when they die. As a result, the eye is more damaged during surgery.

To achieve the goal of spectacle-free life after surgery, we have to measure the required power of the artificial intraocular lens (IOL) power before the surgery. Modern and accurate IOL measuring devices best work on early and moderate cataracts. In very advanced and delayed cataracts, these modern devices cannot measure artificial lens power very accurately, it becomes difficult to use technologies such as smart lenses in these eyes, and the possibility of spectacle dependence increases after surgery.

As a result, the correct timing of surgery is determined by considering, visual requirements, vision level, eye and cataract features of the individual eye. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akman, MD plans surgery for cataract patients in his clinic in Ankara in the light of this information. Cataract Surgery is also performed in Izmir. 

Trifocal intraocular lenses, which have become fashionable in recent years, and are also called smart lenses, can be applied to people who do not have cataracts to get rid of the reading glasses, this is called refractive cataract surgery. The aim here is to provide near and far vision without glasses, which laser, LASIK, or corneal refractive surgeries cannot provide. This surgery is generally reserved for people after the age of 45 as presbyopia, which is the medical term for the need for reading glasses

Refractive cataract surgery and the placement of smart (trifocal) lenses are the best alternatives to get rid of glasses, especially in individuals after the age of 45 with eye disorders or near vision problems. As can be seen from the patient comments on our website, Professor Ahmet Akman, MD is one of the most experienced surgeons in cataract surgery and smart lens (trifocal) surgery in Turkey. He has implanted around 2000 smart (trifocal, EDOF) and toric (astigmatism correcting) intraocular lenses in over 50000 cataract surgeries he has performed.

Cataract Symptoms

The main symptom is poor and blurred vision. A cataract develops slowly and gradually impairs vision. When it progresses at the same rate in both eyes, the patient may not be aware of the visual deterioration. It is easier for the patient to notice when it develops unilaterally. In addition, in the early stages of cataract development, the patient's eyeglasses can change rapidly. One may start reading without glasses as cataract causes myopia.

Patients generally like this condition, which occurs as a result of myopia due to cataracts, and they become happy when they can read without reading glasses. However, this is the result of decreased vision that cannot be corrected with glasses in the distant vision.

When vision decreases, it becomes more and more dangerous to drive, climb stairs, and walk on the street. When vision drops below a certain level, the risk of falling and hip fracture increases. For these reasons, when the visual acuity drops below 70%, the cataract should be surgically removed and replaced with a new artificial intraocular lens. In this way, the individual can reach 100% vision level again without glasses.

In addition to blurred vision and haze, cataracts can cause discomfort from lights, glare, and double vision. Every person over the age of 60 should have their eyes checked for cataracts once a year.

Can Cataracts Be Treated Without Surgery?

The only treatment available for cataracts is surgery. There is no non-surgical cataract treatment. The deteriorated lens of the eye has lost its transparency and there is no medicine yet to correct it. Natural treatments and alternative medicine methods cannot make this lens transparent again.

The only solution is to replace this lens with a new artificial one. Alternative medicine methods, herbal remedies, natural treatments, or medicines cannot fix the already-formed cataract, nor can they stop the progression of the cataract that has already started. What happens if I don't have cataract surgery? The answer to the question is the loss of sight.

How Is Cataract Surgery Performed?

Cataract treatment is performed by surgery in which the lens with the cataract is removed and a new artificial one is placed. The process of absorbing the cataract lens from the eye by melting is called the phaco or phacoemulsification method. This method, popularly known as suture-less laser cataract surgery, is the most advanced cataract surgery method today.

The tip of the phaco device, which is inserted into the eye through a 2.2 mm incision, melts the lens with the ultrasonic vibrations it creates while pumping liquid into the eye and sucking it through another hole, in this way, the cataractous cloudy lens in the eye is cleaned and a new artificial lens is implanted.

Cataract Surgery Intraocular LensIntraocular Lens (IOL) opening in the eye.

Cataract Surgery With The Femto Laser-Assisted Phacoemulsification Method

Femto laser-assisted cataract surgery, which has been applied for the last four or five years and is called bladeless cataract surgery, is not a completely new method.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akman is one of the surgeons who applied this method most frequently in Turkey with over 1000 femto laser-assisted bladeless cataract surgeries.

What is required for successful cataract surgery?

Although cataract surgery has high safety and success, it is more complex and more difficult to learn than all surgeries applied in medicine.

While the surgeon uses the device, which has a very strong disintegrating effect in the eye, with both hands in a 2mm space without damaging either the posterior membrane or the anterior corneal layer, one foot controls the microscope and one foot controls the phaco device.

While the surgeon coordinates his hands with the three-dimensional image he sees through the microscope, he uses both feet to control the microscope and the phaco device, while listening to the sounds coming from the phaco device and adjusting the vacuum and melting amount.

As a result, the surgeon's two hands, two eyes, two feet, two ears, and the eye seen under the microscope must work in coordination to operate successfully. For this reason, cataract surgery is one of the most difficult surgeries to learn and master in medicine. Apart from the experience and skill of the surgeon, the quality of the devices used, the protective drugs given into the eye, and the lens placed in the eye significantly affect the success of this surgery.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akman uses an Alcon Centurion phacoemulsification device in cataract surgeries in Ankara and İzmir. This device is the only device that can adjust the fluid according to the intraocular pressure (active fluidics). In this way, much safer surgery and a successful outcome are possible.

Cataract Surgery by Professor AkmanCataract Surgery by Professor Akman

Another important point is the viscoelastic materials used to prevent intraocular damage during surgery.

The insufficient use of these costly substances can lead to corneal deterioration and even the need for corneal transplantation 5-10 years after the surgery.

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akman uses USA-made Viscoat and Provisc viscoelastic in cataract surgeries which are the best quality products available.

In addition to these, the sterility of the operating room and the disposable material used is necessary to reduce the risk of infection. We perform cataract surgeries in our contracted hospitals in Ankara, which meet these conditions in the best way possible.

It should be remembered that a person's vision for the rest of his life depends on the correct planning of this cataract surgery, which lasts for 15 minutes and is not given much importance in society. For best results, the use of quality materials and lenses, and the experience of the surgeon performing the surgery are very important.

Why is cataract surgery done?

There is only one answer, to fix the deteriorated vision. A cataract is the aging of the lens of an individual's eye, becoming a frosted glass or curtain. What needs to be done is to replace this lens with a new one. There are many different lenses for this purpose. The important thing is for an experienced surgeon to choose which lens is suitable for the patient's eye and to place a quality intraocular lens for this purpose.

Sometimes patients can not feel that their vision is impaired. The measurement of visual acuity is done by your ophthalmologist and, with some exceptions, if your vision with glasses is worse than 70% and the reason for this is cataract, surgery is recommended. In some cases, the patient's ophthalmic findings may also cause surgery to be recommended for eyes with better vision.

Secondly, cataract surgery can be performed in individuals over the age of 50 who wear glasses, to get rid of glasses. While it is possible to get rid of glasses with laser in young people since cataract surgery is already on the horizon after the age of fifty and trifocal (smart) lenses can provide glasses-free vision both for distance and near / reading, which laser cannot provide, a procedure called clear lens removal instead of a laser, which is an early standard cataract surgery. The patient's lens is removed by phacoemulsification and an intraocular lens that’s diopters is adjusted according to glasses-free is inserted into his eye.

What is cataract surgery planning?

When the decision for cataract surgery is made, after the detailed eye examination is completed, the power of the cornea layer in front of the eye in the form of a watch glass and the length of the eye is measured with modern laser-operated devices, and the power of the lens to be placed in the eye is determined by complex mathematical formulas. At this stage, the surgeon's knowledge and technical equipment are very important in providing clear vision without the need for glasses after surgery. The data obtained as a result of the eye examination and lens measurement determine which type of lenses are suitable for the patient and which types of surgeries can be performed.

How long does cataract surgery last?

In a problem-free eye, an experienced surgeon can complete this operation in as little as 15 minutes. However, time is not everything, because it is a very complex and demanding operation, sometimes it is necessary not to rush. Surgery may be prolonged in cases such as non-enlarging pupils, poor patient compliance, and device malfunctions.

Remember that it takes a few seconds for a plane to land, but this is an unmistakable phase that requires a very high concentration of pilots and everything to go well. Although the duration is short, cataract surgery is a difficult-to-learn surgery among all surgeries in which the stress is most intense and requires the full concentration of the doctor.

While the doctor's two eyes are looking through the microscope, his two hands work with a disintegrating device inside the eye, while one foot controls the device, the other foot adjusts the microscope. Meanwhile, he listens to the sounds of the phaco device he uses with both ears, indicating the vacuum and shredding values. In short, cataract surgery is a very intense 10-15 minutes in which the surgeon's two hands, two eyes, two feet, and both ears work in harmony with the device.

What should be considered when deciding on cataract surgery?

In light of the information we have explained above, to have successful cataract surgery and to minimize the risks, an experienced surgeon, meticulous preoperative lens power measurements, a well-equipped operating room, and adequate use of drugs to prevent damage to the eye, regardless of the cost, and a quality lens are needed.

Among the issues that patients should ask their doctors, there should be basic issues such as which type of lens will be used, in which country this lens is manufactured, whether it is FDA approved, which device the surgery will be performed, and from which countries the protective substances to be given into the eye come from.

Even in the most experienced centers, cataract surgery has certain risks. There is no risk in this surgery, it will end in 10 minutes, everything will always be perfect, there is no need to pay any fees, etc. should always arouse suspicion in the patient.

It should be noted that cataract surgery is a very serious operation in which the main part of the eye is replaced. If the surgery is not successful, the patient may lose his vision.

Video: Prof. Dr. Ahmet AkmanCataract Surgery ComplicationsAll Videos

Is cataract surgery risky?

The answer to this question is both yes and no.

Yes, it is risky! Because there is no guarantee in any health-related situation and unexpected problems can arise at any time. However, these risks can be greatly reduced by:

  • Experience of the surgeon
  • Quality and hygiene of the hospital
  • Quality of surgical devices
  • Use of disposable and high-quality of materials in surgery.

Trying to save a few pounds by using poor-quality surgical supplies and IOLs, poor-quality hospitals and inexperienced surgeons can result in a disaster.

No, it is not risky! Every person who lives enough has to have cataract surgery. Because it is the most performed surgery in the world (500,000 every year in our country, 3,000,000 in the USA) and the most successful surgery. Eyes without any other disease, with a smooth operation, a good lens, and 70-80 years old, have the same vision as 18-year-olds. For this reason, as stated above, the risks are greatly reduced if the necessary precautions are taken into account, an experienced surgeon is visited, and a certain cost is taken into account, considering that lifelong vision depends on this surgery.

Will there be burning and stinging after cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is a serious operation in which your eye lens, which is an important tissue in the center of the eye, is removed by melting and a plastic intraocular lens is placed in its place. Although the risks have been greatly reduced with today's technology, an experienced surgeon, a very clean operating room, absolutely disposable and high-quality materials, and a reliable intraocular lens are needed for problem-free cataract surgery. When all these factors come together, a stinging sensation is not expected after cataract surgery. However, there are a few exceptions to this situation.

  1. There may be some stinging on the first night and the next day until the incisions in the eye for surgery heal.
  2. In individuals with dry eyes, and especially in regions with a continental climate and dry air, such as Central Anatolia, post-operative stinging that requires the use of tear drops may occur.
  3. Stinging may occur in some sensitive eyes due to the irritation or allergy of the drops after use.
  4. Surgical complications may also cause burning and stinging sensations.
  5. Finally, very rarely, the herpes virus (herpes simplex),which is already in our body and is dormant after the surgery, can be activated and cause a feeling of stinging.

If you feel stinging after surgery, your doctor may call you for a checkup and usually recommend tear drops if there is no serious problem. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor for the stinging problem, which is a rare condition that bothers the patient.

How long is the recovery time after cataract surgery?

The recovery time after cataract surgery, which is an important surgery performed by melting your eye lens and replacing it with a new lens, depends on the hardness of your cataract and the amount of energy used accordingly, the quality of the eye-protective drugs used in the surgery, and the experience of the surgeon.

After an uncomplicated, problem-free operation, problems such as stinging and pain are not expected, except for the first night. Vision may be blurry for the first few days, but it gets better each day, usually clearing in 3-5 days. It may take up to 1 month for the vision to become clearer.

In terms of functions such as anatomical healing, closure of wounds, easy movement, bending, and bathing, the eye is generally considered to have healed in the first week, and everything is released to the patient. As a result, recovery after cataract surgery is usually completed in around 1 week.

What are the problems after cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is one of the most serious operations of the eye and there is a low risk of losing sight. This risk is higher in centers where cheap materials are used, the same material is applied to many patients without changing it, where it is tried to save on eye protection drugs, and where poor quality intraocular lenses are used.

The most important problem that can be experienced is bleeding that may occur during surgery. Although very rare, in some cases, the eye can be lost before the doctor can do much. This risk is higher, especially in obese individuals with hypertension. The second major problem is infections.

In centers that pay attention to cleanliness and use disposable FDA-approved materials, this risk is minimized with the help of intraocular antibiotics. Many preventable problems such as cataracts falling into the eye, difficulties in placing the intraocular lens, and lens number errors due to not using the latest technology devices can occur during cataract surgery.

What needs to be done to avoid these problems is to decide not according to the cost, as in every important job, but according to the experience of the doctor, the conditions of the hospital, and the quality of the materials used. It should not be forgotten that the individual's vision for the rest of his life depends on the success of this surgery and quality imported materials have a cost. It is not possible for centers that operate very cheaply to use such quality materials, to prefer disposable materials, and to use quality intraocular lenses.

Update Date: 08.08.2024
Ahmet Akman M.D.
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akman
Göz Hastalıkları Uzmanı, Katarakt, Glokom ve Ön Segment Cerrahisi
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